White paper

E-book on Psychological Safety + FREE workshop by UNIC

Not sure who does what?

With Holaspirit’s dynamic chart you’ll be able to have a clear view of your organization, bringing structure and clarity to its teams.

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Practice your organization’s working methodology with our friendly-features to obtain efficient meetings, effective projects and useful OKRs.

There is not enough communication between teams?

Cross-collaborate with ease with the platform’s kanban board. Keep up with your peers’ projects and tasks.

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An easy-to-read ebook with key information on how to bring psychological safety to your organization.

➡️ An introduction by PhD student, Selena Hernandez, showcasing how to measure psychological safety within teams

➡️ Benefits of creating a safe space

➡️ A FREE WORKSHOP designed by UNIC on how to bring psychological safety to your teams and creating a safe space

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